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Items Categories and Fields

Matrix Requirements organizes Design Input and Design Output in item categories. For example the demo project WHEELY has these categories:

  • REQ: Requirements contain requirements on what the system should do (e.g. user requirements, regulatory requirements, etc.)
  • SPEC: Specification define how the system should do certain things.
  • UC: Use Cases can be used to describe frequently used functions or worst case scenarios. This helps to document compliance with IEC 62366 and to design for better usability (do the Validation).
  • RISK: Risks help to document risks and mitigations, there are several pre-configured risk modules available.
  • TC: Test cases define actions and expected results (to do the Verification).
  • XTC: Executed Tests are used to document tests and use cases which have been executed. 

It is possible to change the categories or input fields for items in each category. 

It's recommended to start projects as lean as possible, with the minimal amount of layers and input fields. Adding categories and fields later is easy.

See Creating New Projects / Cloning Existing Projects.


Look at the recorded webinar on Category creation and fields adaptation: (direct link here)

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