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Table Columns

When inserting a table in a document you can edit the columns in the section properties

The following column types exists:



Text Line

To enter unformatted text


Allows to enter (whole) numbers only

Rich Text

Allows to enter formatted text


Select a user (also used for electronic signatures)


Allows to select a date

Date (auto)

The date is the date the row was added

Signature Meaning

E.g. “Approved By”, these can be defined in the document settings in the admin client.

eSignature Signature

Placeholder for the electronic signature

eSignature Date

Placeholder for the date of the electronic signature

Group / Role

Allows to select a user group (as define in admin client in the user management)


A text field to enter a revision number or identifier (see below)

The revision field is similar to a text line field. Additionally you can

  • use a revision macro in the document number (to generate a SIGN with the latest revision). More info on revision in documents.

  • Add it as property directly in the header of a word document

    Note: in order to insert / use the "MX_DocProperty_Revision" property in word documents you need to make sure your project's word template knows about the Doc Property (see How to add a custom field to my header/footer)

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