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List of items

The list of items section renders items like requirements, specifications, tests, risks or executed tests. Each item is rendered in one big table with all related fields (unless they are configured not to print) and meta information.

See below how the amount of information and the layout can be configured.

Specific options for list of items

See also Changing the layout of document section and Item Selection By Search.

Option (defaults in bold)


Include parent folders for each item (breadcrumb)

Shows a line with the parent folders of an item 

Show up and downlinks

→ show uplinks only

→ show downlinks only

→ do not show links

Includes up and/or downlinks of items.

Show links recursivelyIf checked this shows all downlinks /and or uplinks of an item, not just the next level.
Show traceability errorsIf checked traceability errors are shown in red
Show labelsIf checked labels are shown
Insert page break after itemsIf checked each item is printed on its own page.

Show items with version info

Shows meta info of each item: Author, Date and Revision of the item

→ Show items without version info

Prints just the item id’s and name

Show items with minimal markup

Prints the item without any field names or other meta info

Show items with design review fields

Add fields to do design reviews on paper.

Note: this option is only useful to print document which are used for paper based design reviews.

Show items with additional pass/fail fields (for use and test cases)

This option renders test forms with additional columns to enter pass fail information manually.

Note: this option is only useful to print documents for executing tests on paper

Show items with test results (for executed test cases)

This option is only useful for test results (XTCs). It will render the items with entered test results.

Note: this is required to show test XTC with results in the headers of the printed XTCs

Do not include folders

Does not render folders only items within

→ Do not include folders and sort numericallyDoes not render folders, only items sorted by their id

→ Show folder titles as headings

Shows folder titles. If this option is selected, there are two sub options to also show the parents of the selected items and/or to hide empty folders.

→ Shows folder titles as headings with details without markup as table

Shows folder titles and fields (like description), but no meta info like version, author etc.  If this option is selected, there are two sub options to also show the parents of the selected items and/or to hide empty folders.

→ Shows folder titles as headings with details without markup as textSame as above with a more simplistic rendering.  If this option is selected, there are two sub options to also show the parents of the selected items and/or to hide empty folders.

→ Show folders the same way as items

Shows folders with all information (like items).  If this option is selected, there are two sub options to also show the parents of the selected items and/or to hide empty folders.

Ignore dates (do not show outdated traces)

Does care about outdated traces

→ Indicate outdated traces

Indicates outdated traces as warning 

→ Treat outdated traces as traceability errors

Indicates outdated traces as errors 

Ignore external linksExternal links attached to the item such as JIRA tickets are not shown

Note: external links are links to other websites, attached with the tasks control.
→ Show external linksAll external links of the item are shown
→ Show only done external linksShows done external links
→ Show only external links which need to be doneShow not done external links

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