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QMS Training Module

The training module allows you to define trainings for your procedures and /or work instructions.


The training field can either be a table with multiple choice questions or just a text field. In both cases the field needs to be attached to the the process or work instructions and have the property contains training questions checked.

In case it is a table with training questions, it needs to be configured in a specific way

Taining configuration

  "readonly": false,
  "hide_report": false,
  "hide_document": false,
  "hide_publication": false,
  "maxRows": "-1",
  "fixRows": "-1",
  "canBeModified": true,
  "showLineNumbers": true,
  "isTraining": true,
  "readonly_allowfocus": false,
  "columns": [
      "name": "Question",
      "field": "question",
      "editor": "text",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Answer",
      "field": "answer",
      "editor": "select",
      "options": { "id0": "n/a", "id1": "option 1", "id2": "option 2", "id3": "option 3", "id4": "option 4", "id5": "option 5", "id6": "option 6" }
      "name": "Option 1",
      "field": "option1",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 2",
      "field": "option2",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 3",
      "field": "option3",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 4",
      "field": "option4",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 5",
      "field": "option5",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}
      "name": "Option 6",
      "field": "option6",
      "editor": "textline",
      "options": {}

Besides the training content you also need to define who needs to participate in the training, this can be done by checking in the user selection controls (e.g. the affected by) the needs to be trained.

Creating the training

While publishing

The trainings can be created when you publish your QMS:

There are four options

  • create training for changed items (default): this will create a training for a procedure or work instruction if there was a change to it

  • do not create training notifications

  • create training for all changed item groups: this will create trainings for all groups (e.g. design control) processes, even if only one was changed

  • create training for all items


Trainees can see which processes and work instruction they need to be trained in the published QMS by looking for a red bar in the list of processes.

Every user can also filter the process to only see processes which need a training 

Once they click on such a process they either get a simple Read and Understood button underneath the process - if there is no training text or question defined

Or they can also see the training text and questions (which need to be answered correctly before continuing)


Look at the recorded webinar on Training Management: (direct link here)

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