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Including tests with variable replacements

It is possible to include a test case into another test replacing some variables with values. The variables must be surrounded by $ signs to be recognized as such.

Example you have a test case TC-15 login to system


Browse to site ****

Login form is shown
Enter user $user$OK button becomes active
Click OkPassword field is shown
Enter password $password$Login button becomes active

Now you can include this test case into another test: TC-300 login test, e.g. like this

include:TC-15?user=readonly&password=roLogged in as read only user
do something
include:TC-15?user=readwrite&password=rwLogged in as read write user

When creating the XTC from TC-300 you will get XTC-1333 login test


Browse to site ****

Login form is shown

Enter user readonlyOK button becomes active

Click OkPassword field is shown

Enter password roLogin button becomes active

do something

Browse to site ****

Login form is shown

Enter user readwriteOK button becomes active

Click OkPassword field is shown

Enter password rwLogin button becomes active

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