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How does the invoicing work?

We will send you a first invoice that matches the agreed number of licenses you will need for the first month.

The invoice contains a link to an ecommerce site (handled by Stripe) where you will pay that first invoice.

After that, at the end of each one-month period, we compute the number of read/write licenses and read only licenses you require at the time of invoicing. The users that count toward the read-write licensing are the admin users and the users where you specified a Write access (W). The user which count toward the read-only are all the others. We then generate the invoice based on that number (in a way this means you actually pay each month the usage of the previous month).

We pay that invoice on your credit card and send you the invoice including all the license information.

If there's a credit card refusal we send you the invoice with a new link to fill in new credit card information.

If you prefer paying through wire transfer, it is also possible but we require a 6- or 12-month upfront invoicing in that case. 

Special note for Thunderbird email client users: there is a bug in Thunderbird, that makes it not showing our invoices attached to the emails we send. There's a workaround: you can forward the email to yourself, and in this case Thunderbird will show the PDF invoice to you.

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