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How do I make design reviews?

There are multiple ways of organizing and performing design reviews.

Using documents

The simplest method is to just create a document which lists the activities and results of a review. This document should include as a minimum

  • a signature box
  • a review date field
  • details about what the review is about (purpose and scope)
  • review results
  • a list of reviewed items

Using review labels

You can simply set the review state of an item by a review label (e.g. to a passed, failed, todo state). You can limit who can change the label and there is an option to automatically reset the label if an item is changed after a review. Once done you can create a document showing that all items have the review label(s) set. 

Using (design) review labels

There are also specific design review labels, which allow you to specify a questionnaire and to request a signature in order to mark an item as reviewed. Once done you can create a document showing that all items have the review label(s) set. 

Using specific design review items

You can create a specific design review category using a design review control in order to make design reviews forms which allow a number of users to review a number of items from your design input and output. Once done you can create a document including the design review item, adding signatures for the approval. See more information regarding Design Review layer in a project.


Look at the recorded webinar on Design Reviews: (direct link here)

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